Posts tagged ideas

So, I scored a 6’6 Freestyle single fin on Ebay. It needs love. Like, a lot of really hot steamy love. The tail and nose are fuxxored, the deck has puncture holes, the bottom of the board has been left in the sun and has brittle glass, and it’s yellow. I’m pretty sure if you put it in water right now it would sink and dissolve. Apart from all that it’s near perfect.

Last night Al and I used the Great Idea Generator, also known as red wine, to come up with a plan of attack for restoring this sucker. There was a few ‘you need some glass here’ and a couple of ‘hmm, you’d have to bog that there’ and more than a few ‘is the blank fucked there?’. But in the end we agreed that it’s definitely salvageable. So stay with me over the course of the next few weeks as we put our collective repair skills to the test and get this relic back in the water.

Welcome to The Single Fin Project.